RE: __(Name of Event)__ - __Date)__
It is __(my/our)__ pleasure to invite you to our upcoming __(Name of Event)__ on __(date)__. Each year __(Name of Organization)__ puts on a __(type of event)__ to __(briefly describe why you put on this event – i.e. raise funds for …..)__. This year, we are going with the theme of __(type of theme)__and we are delighted to enclose for you, __(#)__ complimentary tickets to our __(Name of Event)__.
Be sure to mark your calendar for:
- - Date:
- - Time:
- - Location:
This event offers __(briefly describe what the event provides for them)__. Some of the featured activities throughout the day will include __(briefly list/describe some of the interesting activities)__. The __(day/evening)__ will end with __(type of activity – i.e. a variety of door prizes to be given away)__. This is an event you don’t want to miss. Please pass the word along to everyone!
Regular Admission Prices
- $_____ - Adults
- $_____ - Seniors
- $_____ - Students
- $_____ - Children
We welcome you to come out and enjoy this great day of __(briefly describe event – i.e. taste and entertainment!)__. Hope to see you there!