Dear …
RE: Confirmation of Employment - __(Name)__
In accordance with a recent request from __(Name of Employee)__ to provide written employment confirmation, please allow this letter to serve as official confirmation of __(his/her)__ employment with __(Name of Company)__.
__(Employee Name)__ commenced employment with __(Name of Company)__ effective __(date)__. __(He/She)__ currently holds a __(type of position)__ position with our company. We are pleased with __(his/her)__ work and expect that __(Name)__ will have a long future with __(Name of Company)__.
Outlined below are the details of __(Name’s)__ current employment compensation package with us.
- __(Monthly/Annual)__ __(remuneration/salary/draw__) is __($amount)__, plus
- __(Monthly/Annual)__ __(bonus/commission)__ averaging __($amount)__
Trusting this is the information you require.
Yours truly,
Employee - Authorization Signature