Dear …
To recap your performance review on __(date)__, I have included in this letter the results of our discussion. I trust that you will find this performance status update helpful as we move forward into the next __(half/part/etc.)__ of the year.
In our discussion, we established that you have so far __(been meeting expectations with all of your goals/ been meeting and even exceeding expectations with some of your goals/ been meeting expectations on (#) of your goals but must work at bringing up to a satisfactory level, the other goals/not yet met any of your goals/etc.)__ and objectives as outlined below:
__(List goal #1)__: __(Current status rating – met/exceeded expectations/needs improvement)__ - __(brief description of how goal was accomplished /or if goal not met, briefly describe action plan to be taken)__.
__(List goal #2)__: __(Current status rating – met/exceeded expectations/needs improvement)__ - __(brief description of how goal was accomplished /or if goal not met, briefly describe action plan to be taken)__.
__(List goal #3)__: __(Current status rating – met/exceeded expectations/needs improvement)__ - __(brief description of how goal was accomplished /or if goal not met, briefly describe action plan to be taken)__.
__(List goal #4)__: __(Current status rating – met/exceeded expectations/needs improvement)__ - __(brief description of how goal was accomplished /or if goal not met, briefly describe action plan to be taken)__.
Overall, your performance level so far this year has been assessed as: __(meets expectations/exceeds expectations – congratulations and keep up the good work!/needs improvement/etc.)__. As you know, __(Name of Organization)__ rewards those employees who perform well, through __(bonuses/raises/etc.)__ that are congruent with the employee’s performance level. It is my desire that every one of my team members are in a position to be rewarded for their efforts at the end of the year.
In keeping with that, I’m looking forward to __(your continued valuable contribution to my team, Name. Keep up the good work! / your continued outstanding performance, Name. Well done! / seeing you achieve the performance levels you are aiming for, Name. Keep pushing forward to that end. /etc.)__.
Yours truly,