Dear …
RE: Enrollment Application - __(Student Name)__
I write to you today on behalf of my __(son/daughter)__, __(full Name)__, appealing to your consideration for acceptance of __(his/her)__ enrollment application to __(Name of School)__ .
__(Name)__ is a very conscientious and gifted __(girl/boy)__ who, at even such a young age, exercises fairly good judgment in __(his/her)__ approach to things. __(He/She)__ takes on responsibility quite well, which I believe can develop into good leadership skills over time. __(His/Her)__ academic achievements are already quite impressive in the areas of __(type of academic subjects)__.
Even more noteworthy, is the underlying determination that I have observed in my __(son’s/daughter’s)__ character. Whenever faced with challenges, __(he/she)__ always manages to dig deep to find the courage and determination to overcome the difficulty at hand. __(He/She)__ doesn’t give up easily and it is through this determination that I see __(him/her)__ accomplishing great things in__(his/her)__ life.
I believe that __(Name of School)__ provides the caliber of education and the type of guidance that can help to propel __(Name)__ into achieving __(his/her)__ fullest potential. In the short term, I see your school helping __(him/her)__ to become focused in __(his/her)__ academics. Over the long term, I expect __(Name of School)__ will be one of the right vehicles to successfully enable my __(son/daughter)__ to gain acceptance into the University of __(his/her)__ choice.
__(Name)__ is a bright and ambitious __(boy/girl)__ and I am confident that __(he/she)__ will prove to be an outstanding student in your school. I thank you for considering __(his/her)__ application for enrollment in your school and look forward to hearing from you soon.