Dear …
Re: __(Name of condo complex/association community)__ – By-Laws
Recently, there has been considerable discussion amongst various owners of __(Name of condo complex/association community)__, regarding our By-laws. There has been a lot of negative feedback stirring up from many residents about some of the By-laws that have been adopted in our __(complex/community)__ over time. Those By-laws have now become contentious issues and need to be addressed.
While we all agree that By-laws must be enforced to ensure a safe, harmonious and enjoyable community to live in, it has become apparent that some of our By-laws are prohibiting our rights as residents, basic means of reasonable enjoyment. We have paid a great deal of money for our homes in this __(complex/community)__ and we believe that we have a right to enjoy living here. In particular, we would like to bring to your attention to the following By-Law(s) that we believe __(is/are)__ unreasonable.
1. __(list one or more By-laws that owners are not happy with and briefly describe how it inhibits your rights to enjoyment)__
Anyone choosing to practice the __(activity/activities)__ of __(list type of activity/s)__ in this __(complex/community)__, can easily to do so without interfering with the enjoyment or the privacy of others. We find it astonishing that __(this/these by-law(s) was/were)__ introduced in the first place. In fact, we believe that __(this is a/these are)__, healthy __(activity/activities)__ and should be encouraged at __(name of Condo/Home Association)__, not prohibited.
There comes a point where, we as the residents in this __(complex/community)__, must take a stand to ensure the “rule-making” and “By-law enforcing” does not become a form of tyranny. Therefore, please accept this letter as our formal and official request to the Board of Directors to abolish the following By-law(s) from __(name of Condo/Home Association)__.
1. __(list one or more By-laws that you are requesting to have banished)__
If a General Meeting of all the owners must be called to address this situation, we are prepared to proceed with that. Thank you for adding this to the Agenda of your next meeting and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours,
___(your name)___
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