Dear …
__(I/We)__ extend this Birthday Party Invitation to you in celebration of __(name’s)__ __(#)__ birthday.
__(#)__ years ago, on __(date)__, __(name)__ was born. __(He/She)__ lived in __(name of place)__ for most of __(his/her)__ life before moving to __(name of place)__. Though some of us have known __(name)__ for many years, those that have only known __(him/her)__ for a short while already know that __(he/she)__ has a special way of touching our lives.
Most of us know __(him/her)__ for __(describe most recognized characteristic – example: sense of humor/generosity/etc.)__. There are so many of us that can’t even count the number of times __(his/her)__ smile has brightened our day and __(his/her)__ __(words have warmed our heart/wisdom has helped us to find our way/etc.)__.
__(I/We)__ ask you to join us in celebrating the day that __(name)__ was brought into this world and into our lives. This birthday bash will be held:
__(I/We)__ hope to see you there!
P.S. Please RSVP to __(phone #/email address/etc)__