Dear …
Re: __(Name of Credit Card)__ Account # __(___)__
I would like to bring your attention to a matter concerning an unauthorized charge to my __(name of credit card)__ account on __(date)__. Enclosed, please find a copy of my __(Month/Year)__ credit card statement. You will note on this statement, the following charge:
__(Date)__ __(Name of Merchant)__ __($ Amount)__
I did not authorize this charge by __(name of merchant)__ and ask that you please reverse this transaction.
In addition to not authorizing this charge, I would also like to point out to you that my __(name of credit card)__ account was terminated __(length of time ago/or in ‘Month/Year’)__. Please refer to the enclosed copy of my letter to your organization, dated __(date)__, formally requesting that my __(name of credit card)__ account be terminated. I am very alarmed that charges are coming through on a cancelled account.
I trust that you will quickly respond to this matter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,