Dear …
At present I am a __(Name of Position)__ with __(Name of Organization)__. For the most part I really enjoy my job but there are times I face unique challenges that both frustrate and discourage me. It’s at those times, when I’m feeling quite disheartened, I look at you and how well you function in your job. One can’t help but admire how you manage to organize your day and get things done so seamlessly. And you consistently do an amazing job at whatever you tackle.
You’re definitely a great role model, __(Name)__, and I’d love to have an opportunity to learn from you. I am writing to you today to respectfully ask you if you would consider becoming my mentor. I realize that you are a very busy person and I don’t wish to intrude on your time. Just let me say this, that any portion of time you’d be willing to spend with me would not be wasted—to the contrary. Everything you teach me would immediately be put to good practice. It is my goal to become the best __(name of position/in my field/etc.)__, welcoming challenges, rather than suffering frustration by them. I just know that your experience, your work ethic, and your positive outlook could provide me with the kind of valuable coaching I need to propel my career solidly into the future. It really would be such a privilege to be mentored by you.
Thank you for considering my request. I remain hopeful of your decision and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours,