Dear …
For __(#)__ years I have been performing the duties of __(name of position)__ with __(Name of Organization)__. I’ve worked hard in this position and have seen many successes and rewards over the years. __(Name of Organization)__ has always treated me fairly and I am proud to be associated with __(it/them)__.
I believe that it’s time now, however, for me to take on different challenges within the organization; hence, the reason for my letter. I have set my sights on a __(type of position)__ within the __(type of area/unit)__. Though my training has expanded over various areas of __(type of field/industry – i.e. law enforcement)__ over the years, the area that has really caught my interest is __(specialty type of area/field)__.
With my __(#)__ years as a __(position)__, along with the extensive training I’ve had along the way, I believe that I have what it takes to become successful in the role of a __(type of position)__. Therefore, I ask that you accept this as my formal request for __(promotion/a transfer/etc.)__ to the __(type of area)__ when the opportunity arises. I am committed to __(briefly describe what you are committed to: i.e. law enforcement)__ and will continue to put my best foot forward through my employment with __(Name of Organization)__.
Thank you for considering me for a move from __(current position)__ to __(type of area)__. To that end, I remain hopeful.
Respectfully yours,