Dear …
It is my pleasure to announce to you that I have recently joined __(name of company)__ in __(name of city/community)__. __(name of company)__ is a company that is well established and is known for __(briefly describe what company does best)__. I am thrilled to be associated with an organization of such distinct reputation.
This change allows me to offer __(type of better/bigger/additional products/services)__ to my clients. With __(briefly explain why you can do this – i.e. with this company’s advanced technology)__, I can now __(briefly explain what better service you can offer - i.e. reach global resources )__. I am proud to be part of the __(Name of Company)__ team and look forward to being able to provide you with the best that the __(type)__ industry has to offer.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at __(phone #)__ anytime with your __(type)__ needs, or better yet, just drop by to see me at __(address)__. The coffee’s on me!