Dear …
Please accept this letter as notification that __(name)__, director of __(type of position)__ has recently submitted __(his/her)__ resignation to __(name of company)__. __(His/Her)__ departure from __(his/her)__ __(type)__ role will be effective __(date)__. This news __(has come/did not come)__ as a surprise to __(me/us)__, as __(there have been subtle signs recently/he-she did not, in any way, make us aware)__ of __(his/her)__ plans to resign. The reason(s) __(name)__ has given for __(his/her)__ resignation, __(is/are)__ because __(briefly describe reason(s) given)__. He__(has/has not)__ informed us of __(his/her)__ future plans, __(where he/she will be taking on….briefly describe what he/she will be doing)__.
Though __(he/she)__ will be missed, we do respect __(his/her)__ decision. We appreciate all __(Name’s)__ past contributions to __(name of company)__ and we wish __(him/her)__ well. We will now begin the process of searching for someone to fill the __(type of position)__. Your input into this would be most welcome. Any names that you can put forward would be appreciated.