Dear …
RE: __(Reference Name – Account #)__
I would like to bring to your attention, a list of erroneous Chargebacks that have been charged to the above mentioned merchant account. This issue of erroneous Chargebacks has been going on for __(#)__ __(years/months/weeks)__ now and we feel it must be addressed. Please allow me to explain our situation to you.
__(Name of my organization)__ offers __(type of products/services)__. Our customers receive a __(type of product/service)__ at no additional charge, provided that they __(briefly describe condition)__. In the event that the customer fails to __(briefly describe condition)__, a contract condition that they are legally bound to, our company is authorized __(briefly describe your course of action – example: charge the cost of the phone to their credit card)__. This is specifically stated in all the contracts signed by our customers.
In all the cases outlined below, those customers __(briefly describe their breach of condition – example: cancelled their services prior to the date stated in their contract)__. Because of their breach of contract, we appropriately charged __(description of charge – example: the cost of the phone)__ to their credit card. Each one of these credit card charges, however, have come back to us as a chargeback.
Date Description Date & Amount
Contract Signed of Contract Breach charged to Customer
__(Date)__ (description - effective __date__) __(date & dollar amount)__
__(Date)__ (description - effective __date__) __(date & dollar amount)__
__(Date)__ (description - effective __date__) __(date & dollar amount)__
__(Date)__ (description - effective __date__) __(date & dollar amount)__
Enclosed, you will find copies of all the signed supporting documents to the above mentioned transactions that, incidentally, we have already forwarded to your office. We have spent a great deal of time already with representatives from __(name of company)__, proving that these type of Chargebacks on our account should not occur. Once again, we ask you to reverse the above mentioned Chargebacks.
This situation has become extremely frustrating for us. We ask that you please check into this matter to see if you can offer us a solution to help minimize these errors. Perhaps requesting a copy of the contract from the customer before honoring their Chargeback may be a solution?
Thank you for looking into this for us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,